01355 225224 office@dm-ph.com

Contact Us

Serving Your Local Area

Find Us

2 Cullen Lane
Murray Square
East Kilbride
G75 0EU


Service: 24/7
Office: 8am – 5pm M-F


If you think you smell gas:

What to do if you smell gas

If you think you can smell gas and may have a gas leak, or are worried about one of your appliances, call the Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This number can also be used if you think one of your appliances, gas heaters or your boiler is giving off carbon monoxide. 

If you smell gas but you are not in immediate danger:

  • Call National Grid’s Gas Emergency Service Freephone number 0800 111 999 – from a landline at another place or using a mobile phone, keep well away from the leak.
  • Open all the windows and doors and ventilate the house.
  • Don’t smoke, light a match or any other naked flame.
  • Don’t switch on or turn off any lights, sockets or appliances, this may cause an explosion. 
  • Don’t use your mobile phone to call from inside the building, go outside.

If you or your family are in danger, leave the house straight away and call 0800 111 999.

Call Darrin Marriott if:

  • That dripping tap is driving you crazy
  • You are looking for a plumber near me
  • You have seen a really nice sink/tap in B&Q and would like it fitted
  • You have a burst pipe and don’t know what to do
  • Your boiler stops working on the coldest day of the year
  • You have a quote for a new gas boiler and want to save money and get a better warranty
  • You need a shower replaced or fitted
  • You are building a container home and need plumbing and heating
  • Your last plumber broke something and you would like it fixed properly
  • You have heard how good we are
  • You want to support a local business

Residential & Domestic

For all your home plumbing and gas central heating needs, no job is too small and we are always happy to help.


Commercial & Industrial

Your business can’t afford downtime, we know this and have been supporting Scotland’s businesses for over 30 years.


landlords & Gas Safety

Happy tenants make happy landlords. The DMPH priority landlord service keeps everyone smiling, try us today.


Head Office

2 Cullen Lane, G75 0EU